Pryor and the South Rural Task Force

Pryor and the South Rural Task Force

Pryor have recently supplied 3 new PortaDot 60-30’s to the South Rural Task Force. The taskforce covers the rural areas of Preston, Chorley, South Ribble and West Lancashire.

Since being established in 2021, they have achieved a long list of successes and late last year they were recognised for their continued work to tackle hare coursing and poaching as part of Operation Galileo which was a national operation co-ordinated by The National Wildlife Crime Unit.

South-Rural-Task-force As a direct result of the team’s activity, reports of hare coursing across South Lancashire reduced by 66% in the last two years.

South-Rural-Task-Force-Training-P60-30 Recently, they have secured funding from the Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner to purchase state-of-the-art Pryor marking equipment which they will use to mark even more vehicles, machinery and equipment in rural communities, making them less attractive to thieves and also enabling them to be identified should they be stolen and later recovered. The pot of funding is generated by the recovered proceed of crime.

Pryor service engineer Brian spent the day in Ormskirk training them in the use of the Pryor PortaDot 60-30’s which were going to the South, Fylde and East rural taskforce teams.

The 60-30’s will be used to mark a wide range of items including Trailers, Horseboxes, Equine equipment, Quads/ATV’s, Plant machinery, tractor GPS/Screens, Tractor parts, Power tools & Gardening equipment. Making them all more secure and easier to trace.

“The purchase of these state of the art Pryor security marking machines will allow us to get out into our farming communities and offer them a service that they may not have considered before. We can go out to location and add another layer of security to their expensive equipment. Making them less attractive to thieves and also further enabling them to be identified should they be stolen and later recovered.

We chose Pryor due to the design, it being handheld, battery powered and lightweight. The Price was great and the demo provided was good as well as the aftercare provided.” – PC Helen Williams


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