40 Years at Pryor for Gary Fletcher
What’s your role in the company?
Warehouse Team Leader
What was your first job role within Manufacturing?
Regards manufacturing, my first ever job was hobbing type in the S.T.A.P (Standard Type And Punch). production back in 1984.
How did you find these last years in Pryor?
A lot of change has happened regards the types of marking machines we have manufactured over the years predominantly the dot marking machines and the various laser marking machines, but it is good to see that Pryor’s original method of marking in hand stamps is still pretty strong.
What do you enjoy the most about working in manufacturing/engineering?
The continuous change in marking technology that Pryor’s manufacture, it’s good to see that Pryor’s is forever on the move forward with its innovations.
Do you have any hobbies outside work?
I do like to go on walks in the countryside plus watching football.
If you had to give one piece of advice to people seeking jobs in manufacturing, what would it be?
Embrace it with open arms as the continuous change in technology would make it a very interesting career to follow.
Describe Team Pryor in 3 words
Innovative, committed, friendly